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15.00 Room opens, setup, free play
19.00 Dinner at restaurant close to the venue
21.00 back to venue for playing, drinking, chatting, competition games
02.00 Room closes


09.00 Room opens, free play, competition games
10.00 Trade session
13.00 Eurocon Vienna 2018 themed tour
18.00 Dinner (at a place close to our tour)
20.00 Back to venue for playing, drinking, chatting
02.00 Room closes


09.00 Room opens, free play, competition games
10.00 Show and Tell - including a music session by Martin J.
11.00 Auction
12.00 Closing of competition games
13.00 Awarding of prizes for competitions, announcement of next years Eurocon
14.00 official closing of Eurocon 2018 - you are welcome to stay longer, but people will start leaving