Retrovision in Oxford UK

Started by grgh, January 07, 2010, 08:03:26 PM

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grgh reborn Dec-07, forever an ongoing project.


And again... too much water ;)

Hope it will be a nice fair for you. Please send pic's.  ;D
Ne tirez pas sur le administrator!



Tell me about it, this is my third day snowed in  :D reborn Dec-07, forever an ongoing project.


It all went well, except my chance to take pics which I left too late.

Here is one from someone else showing the G7401 (don't ask me what that 'man' is wearing...):

Baby sitting duties meant I didn't get to spend much time there, but I think I'll make a better plan for next year as it was clearly a lot of fun  8) reborn Dec-07, forever an ongoing project.


WHAT IS THAT GUY WEARING!?!?!? Hahahahaha  :D :D :D

I'm sorry George but that picture just begged me to ask that.

Shame you couldn't stay there longer. Was there anything else of interest?
Ne tirez pas sur le administrator!


Don't ask me any names, there was stuff from original pong games, a few cabs, right through to XBox & PS3 etc, and the usual suspects Steccy, BBC, C64.

I messed with a few bits on the Friday and planned to leave the Atari stuff until the Sunday, but when I got there it had already been packed up  :'( reborn Dec-07, forever an ongoing project.


That's the famous super villain "Dream Cast", slower than his own shadow.
8 bits of fun