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Merry Christmas - O2EM 1.20 (with C7420 emulation)

Started by manopac, December 24, 2011, 12:26:51 AM

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most probably a difference in timing - the timing of o2em is not exact (something I should try to improve ince I find the time ...)

there might also still be differences in which registers can be written in combination with other ones (e.g. vdc off) but i hope not ...
sex, lies, and videopac


 - bump -

Tried O2EM again tonight  and I must be stupid or something but I can't seem to get the emulator to run with the G7400 bios.

O2EM version: 1.20b5

g7400.bin is in the bios folder.

I startup O2EM by doubleclicking on o2em.exe.

For example:

I have tried this for acro-pl.bin (Rafaels plus version of Acrobats)

<game name="acro-pl">
      <option name="g7400" />
      <option name="vppenable" />

But nope. I see these setting for Trans American Rally:

<game crc32="0x0D2D721D" name="Trans American Rally+ (PAL)">
      <option name="g7400" />
      <option name="vppenable" />
      <option name="euro" />
      <option name="tweakedaudio" />

That does work fine.

I feel that I am close to succeeding but somehow I fail.

Any help would be welcome!

All your collector items are belong to us!


Well, I´m still using it with O2emLauncher or VideopacBase. Should be nice if o2em had a window for options, like Bliss for instance.
BTW: another X-Mas is coming (waiting for a new O2em ;))


Quote from: Janzl on December 18, 2012, 01:29:11 AM

I have tried this for acro-pl.bin (Rafaels plus version of Acrobats)

Acrobats Plus uses some special tricks that might not be compatible with O2em (mid-screen transparency changes).


Quote from: Rafael on December 18, 2012, 02:07:30 AM
Well, I´m still using it with O2emLauncher or VideopacBase. Should be nice if o2em had a window for options, like Bliss for instance.
BTW: another X-Mas is coming (waiting for a new O2em ;))

options window is on my list ... but unfortunatly its gonna be a sad christmas this year - no new o2em release - I already did a lot of changes, but not in a state I can release and unfortunatly no time now :-(
sex, lies, and videopac


Quote from: Janzl on December 18, 2012, 01:29:11 AM
- bump -

Tried O2EM again tonight  and I must be stupid or something but I can't seem to get the emulator to run with the G7400 bios.

O2EM version: 1.20b5

g7400.bin is in the bios folder.

I startup O2EM by doubleclicking on o2em.exe.

For example:

I have tried this for acro-pl.bin (Rafaels plus version of Acrobats)

<game name="acro-pl">
      <option name="g7400" />
      <option name="vppenable" />

But nope. I see these setting for Trans American Rally:

<game crc32="0x0D2D721D" name="Trans American Rally+ (PAL)">
      <option name="g7400" />
      <option name="vppenable" />
      <option name="euro" />
      <option name="tweakedaudio" />

That does work fine.

I feel that I am close to succeeding but somehow I fail.

Any help would be welcome!


the problem is that the options are detected for the rom by checksum not by filename (see the transamerican example - name is the name of the game for the browser, not the rom-file-name!)
just start up o2em, select the rom and it will tell you its CRC (I used 1234ABCD below), use that like in the example and you are good to go (also add the euro switch if the timing is looking too bad, maybe it helps)

<game crc32="0x1234ABCD" name="Acrobats+">

another option - just start o2em from the command line with the switch -g7400 - it will work too (if you don't use the autodetection with the CRC)

sex, lies, and videopac


Is there an easy way in O2em 1.20 to go back to the file browser when a game is running?


Quote from: Rene_G7400 on December 19, 2012, 03:06:17 PM
Is there an easy way in O2em 1.20 to go back to the file browser when a game is running?

working on that, too ... currently no, as the whole emulator is set up in a way that all the necessary data is loaded at the program start

Expect that to change in the next release 1.30 along with the options screen (and better timing - my main priority ...)
sex, lies, and videopac


Quote from: manopac on December 18, 2012, 11:27:33 PM
just start up o2em, select the rom and it will tell you its CRC (I used 1234ABCD below), use that like in the example and you are good to go (also add the euro switch if the timing is looking too bad, maybe it helps)

<game crc32="0x1234ABCD" name="Acrobats+">

Tried that. When I start O2EM I get to see the File-browser and a DOS-window. When I select a game I don't get any info. When I start the game I see a code appearing in the DOS-window but this window closes immediatly and I don't get the chance to read the code.
All your collector items are belong to us!


just press F4 to go to the debug window and type "info" - one of the first things it shows is the CRC - I used o2em from the command line, so the dos window remains open :-)
sex, lies, and videopac


All your collector items are belong to us!


How can I type the letters W A S D L in O2em 1.20? Using Caps Lock doesn't seem to work anymore.


No it doesn't - I changed it because CAPS LOCK should perform what it does on the C7420 - allow you to type Uppercase Letters ;-)

From O2EM.TXT:

    SCROLL LOCK = Enables/Disables the O2 keyboard input of the keys used by joystick emulation

sex, lies, and videopac



sex, lies, and videopac