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Reliving my Dos games

Started by Seob, February 10, 2013, 12:12:18 PM

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After going thru my dos/windows games, to add them to my database, i wanted to relive the days i still gamed on my 286 12.5Mhz pc.
So i finally installed Dosbox on my Mac and i having a blast playing the games i loved in the past.
I'm currently playing "knights of the sky", a game i play a lot back then.
8 bits of fun


Dosbox is awesome!!!

Dosbox and Scummvm make me relive my PC past :)
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www.revival-studios.com - Classic videogame development
www.bitstormgames.com - Indie games on PC, Mobile and Consoles
www.videopacgames.com - My own games and videogame collection for sale
Follow me on twitter (@revival_studios , @bitstormgames) for the latest information about my upcoming proje


Never played that one! But I will :)
All your collector items are belong to us!


Alley Cat is amazing :-) (like all Synapse games ....)

still looking for that one for my Synapse Atari 8 bit collection - but a boxed one would fetch ~ 800€ ...
sex, lies, and videopac


I remember that screen shot but alas can't remember the game :-(
http://www.videopac.com/ reborn Dec-07, forever an ongoing project.


Can you imagine:  CGA... only 4 fixed colours: Cyan, Magenta, Black and White..
>>G7000 G7200(P+S) G7400 N60 JET27 VG5000 ZX80 ZX81 ORIC-1 COMX35 Aquarius<<


I've given the game a quick try. It's really funny and a nice concept. I have to play it some more to get a hang of it :)
All your collector items are belong to us!


Quote from: gertk on February 12, 2013, 06:59:12 PM
Can you imagine:  CGA... only 4 fixed colours: Cyan, Magenta, Black and White..
Our first pc had CGA graphics, and we luckily had a black and white monitor, so it wasn't that bad to play with.
But CGA had a choice of 4 colors, out of 16 colors, and when using composite out, one could make nice looking multicolor games.
Here is a nice article explaining the different pc standards and how one could set it up using dosbox: http://ipggi.wordpress.com/2008/03/16/dosbox-graphic-and-machine-emulation-cga-vga-tandy-pcjr-hercules/

Look at the picture this is CGA composite out
8 bits of fun


With the original CGA you could select two palettes in 320x200 graphics:

magenta, cyan, white and black


brown, red, green and black

In your composite video picture I can count more than 4 colors.. But then again I never tried CGA composite, I only have seen RGB modes on an old IBM monitor, never liked it. It also produced 'snow' when you accessed the video memory outside the retrace period. The Atari 400/800 and C64 were miles ahead compared to CGA.
>>G7000 G7200(P+S) G7400 N60 JET27 VG5000 ZX80 ZX81 ORIC-1 COMX35 Aquarius<<


Really up to the late 90s (when i was in the PC demoscene) we would have small parties of friend where someone would shout out in the middle of the night: "LETS HAVE A CGA DEMO COMPETITION!" and we would all try to do some amazing stuff in CGA mode within a 4 hour deadline!  

I'm sure my demoscene activities back then helped me a lot, because whenever i work with other (non demoscene-) people on something programming/development related, they seem to work in ultra-slowmotion to me ;-)

I also see people from those days pop up everywhere in today's game-studios, (e.g. alex from LittleBigPlanet fame, used to call himself 'statix' -> Back then there were even signs at the horizon to where he was heading by looking at his Wired'96 intro

www.revival-studios.com - Classic videogame development
www.bitstormgames.com - Indie games on PC, Mobile and Consoles
www.videopacgames.com - My own games and videogame collection for sale
Follow me on twitter (@revival_studios , @bitstormgames) for the latest information about my upcoming proje


>>G7000 G7200(P+S) G7400 N60 JET27 VG5000 ZX80 ZX81 ORIC-1 COMX35 Aquarius<<


Quote from: gertk on February 14, 2013, 07:17:47 PM
Just found my nick (KGE) on this webpage:


ah, the good old days...  :)
Have you ever visited the Outline party? http://outlinedemoparty.nl/
Its an atari st oriented event that more recently also accepts PC and other 8bit/16bit machines ;-)
www.revival-studios.com - Classic videogame development
www.bitstormgames.com - Indie games on PC, Mobile and Consoles
www.videopacgames.com - My own games and videogame collection for sale
Follow me on twitter (@revival_studios , @bitstormgames) for the latest information about my upcoming proje


The few that use a atari st. Only had one uncle with a st, everybody else had a amiga or pc.
8 bits of fun


my demo scene days were back in the early 90's on the Amiga ...


Momo / Grace - I even got a picture of me in the demo ;-) me ... 22 years ago ...
sex, lies, and videopac