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2019 Releases

Started by mjb, May 23, 2013, 08:07:23 PM

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Here is the release schedule for upcoming homebrew games, if anyone has something to add please PM me with the details and I will add it to this original posting.
Please don't ask for any specifics on any of the upcoming titles in this topic.

2019 Released

February 2019 - Atari Compendium/Rafael Cardoso -Cold Case
- Odyssey2 style - Released on 20 February 2019
Limited release of 100 copies
Website and Forum Thread

April 2019 - Packrat/Rene van den Enden - C7061 Game Selector -Released on 17 April 2019
Unlimited release
Website and Forum Thread


TBC - VideopacBelguim/Rene van den Enden - Telsa Roadster's Journey To Mars! - TBC
Limited release of 25 copies
Website and Forum Thread

TBC - VideopacBelguim/Ivan Machado - Dungeon of Eternity -
Limited release of 100 copies, 75 of Odyssey2 and 25 of Videopac style
Website and Forum Thread

You don't have to be mad, but it helps.

Release Schedule

Ozyr's Released Homebrew and Prototype List


Edit log

31 August 2019 updated for 2018/19
You don't have to be mad, but it helps.

Release Schedule

Ozyr's Released Homebrew and Prototype List