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Started by timdu, January 01, 2014, 01:43:16 AM

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Tom Beck

Rafael wrote in " High Score contest for High Water Patrol and Sea Rescue " :

"We expecting to release WILDLIFE on march 1st"

I also want to play it  :)

;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


Looks interesting.  I would like to see more video before I commit to buying a copy...


"back in the Wildlife again.." *sing*
(ok that was pretty bad)

Honestly I really suck at playing Pitfall, but I hope I will do better in Wildlife! looking forward to next week :)
Real games need only one button


Honestly I really suck at playing Pitfall, but I hope I will do better in Wildlife! looking forward to next week :)

Me Too!


Quote from: daddy_scott on February 17, 2014, 01:40:56 AM
Do we have a release date for this?  Looking very forward to it.

How Tom wrote we expect to release it on march 1st. This week TIm sent me a pic of the eproms (attached) and now he start to write the manual.

Tom Beck

Great news !

One of the eproms is mine. The key to the WILDLIFEs world  :o (I take a blue one  :D )
;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


Which one of them is for cart #1  ;) ;)


Quote from: LS650 on February 17, 2014, 02:43:03 PM
Looks interesting.  I would like to see more video before I commit to buying a copy...

I really like to see people knowing the enemies while they´re playing the game. Back in the days I´d liked to read synopsis about Ody games and try to imagine how the things look (usually it was balls and trees ;)).

Tom Beck

Quote from: Rafael on February 19, 2014, 03:03:57 AM
Back in the days I´d liked to read synopsis about Ody games and try to imagine how the things look (usually it was balls and trees ;)).

I know exactly what you mean. I remember to get a Philips Flyer in the eighties with the new G7400 from the german electronic fair. There was a photo of Videopac 39 (Freedom Fighters) with plus graphics. It was a highlight for me. On the back side they told us which games are still avaiable and which will come with new background graphics. I thought,  when Freedom Fighters looks so great, how will the others games look? At the bottom of the page was a short clue, with new games will come:

Videopac 47:The Mousing Cat   48:Backgammon  49:Turtles  50:(1984)   51:Terrahawks   52:Killer Bees  53:Nightmare - more will come

I thought about the new games: What could it be? Mousing cat-ok, something with a cat and a mouse, Backgammon- ok I knew the game, Turtles- i also knew this game, Videopac 50-whats that, they don`t know the titel?, Terrahawks- whats that? In germany we knew nothing about that, Killer Bees-sounds great, a game with bees, Nightmare- wow what a name for a Videopac game.
I can`t wait to see the real games and of course play it. But at that time, without internet, it took weeks and months to see the games.
My last game I bought for my G7400 was Videopac 56 Loony Balloon. Again it was only announced, without a picture (with Neutron Star). But the title was so great , that they ordered the game for me at Philips. I knew nothing about the game and can`t wait to get and play it. Sometimes it is great, nothing to know about a game.

;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


Exactly, Tom ;)
My first Ody item was not the console itself, it was a poster like this:
Before to get my Ody I used to get my poster many days on week. Looking at beautifull covers a reading the game sinopsys on the verse. Imagining how the QFTR dragons, Monkeyshines monkeys will look. That´s another thing I like on classic consoles. If you read about a modern game where there´s a elephant on a bike you know how it will look. But how should it look on an Odyssey, it´s a mystery, it´s fun :D

Tom Beck

Quote from: Rafael on February 19, 2014, 11:10:43 PM
That´s another thing I like on classic consoles. If you read about a modern game where there´s a elephant on a bike you know how it will look. But how should it look on an Odyssey, it´s a mystery, it´s fun :D

Thats also my opinion. As I wrote, I knew nothing about Loony Balloon. An announcement in an catalog and a short article in the Philips Commander Rom club magazin. Without a screenshot but a picture in black and white with a little boy who hold an balloon in one hand and the game in the other hand. Thats all I had. After I order that game I must wait a few weeks. In that time I looked so often to the black and white picture of the game case with the boy. How would they animate the balloon? And how do they make the wind? ( how would I animate wind  ;:) )
After I get the game, I was excited. They did it better than I thought. I loved the balloon, the wind ...I like the game till this day.
;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


I always wondered how were the amusements of Looney Ballon playground. In the Odyssey lifetime here, I tried to find all the games, but when Philips stopped producing the Odyssey, I had only managed 34 (later a friend presented me with a Popeye). Looney Ballon  was one of the games that I could not find, and in the middle '80s, I could only think that I never will know this (and others) game looks, "Dream is over" :'(. Fortunately, came the internet and games reappeared :D. Looney Ballon is actually  one of my favorite games, and for those who like challenges maze 4 is a fascinating puzzle. I really wish I had found this game before.


I was absolutely thrilled about the big poster that I found in the box of my G7000 at Christmas 1982. I spent HOURS just to look at the poster in the following days and trying to imagine how the games would look and play. And it was so hard to decide which game to get next, I wanted so many of them. It was a new world. No technical inventions that came later (PCs, internet, mobile phones, smart phones etc.) left me so excited as the Videopac did back then.


I had the black square Videopac catalogue under my pillow (this is sick and not a joke hahaha)
I kept on scanning all the (fake) screenshots deciding what my next game was gonna be, which was a hard decision as the games where ff-ing expensive in those days.

I gues my parents did all the game-buying back then as was 11 years old and there was no way I could have afford them.
Ne tirez pas sur le administrator!

Tom Beck

I loved my small and thick Videopac catalog. With G7000/7200/7400 + Videopac 1-53 in it.

With pictures from my G7400 and the games with plus graphics I won at last the battle in the school against my friend with an Atari VCS 2600. With games like Freedom Fighters + PickAxePete + Satellite Attack + Terrahawks and Killer Bees with PLUS graphics + Munchkin and Crazy Chase he can used his flicker machine as a door stopper  >:D

But of course this catalog was also the last I saw before I must go to bed and turn off the light. I know every page and I had him till today  :D

;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...