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Started by timdu, January 01, 2014, 01:43:16 AM

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Hello everyone and Happy New Year 2014!

I am pleased to announce that in March of 2014 we (the 2600 Connection, along with the excellent programming talents of Rafael) will be releasing WILDLIFE! for the Odyssey2 / Videopac.

WILDLIFE! features a "jungle adventure" style of gameplay that has never been available in the library
of ODYSSEY2 / VIDEOPAC videogames. It will surely receive a warm welcome!
Rafael recently programmed HIGH WATER PATROL! and PIGGYBACK PLANET!

The inspiration for WILDLIFE! comes from the famous Atari 2600 games Pitfall (by Activision) and Adventure (by Atari.)

More details and information to come. Stay tuned! For questions, please contact:

Tim Duarte
2600 Connection
web site: http://www.2600connection.com/

P.S.   In the meantime, please enjoy the screen shot of the game.

Here is a very short video of the game:

This is a "teaser" -- only 23 seconds long.
Jump over the fire, jump over the pond on screen 2, jump over the wild native on screen 3, and collect the key! More to come.


That is awesome.  Pitfall was my favorite Atari game.  Looking forward to it.




Screenshot looks great!!

Will this be a 1:1 conversion of Pitfall?

Tom Beck

Thanks Tim ! Also to all  : HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! The new year can not start better !!!

The game looks fantastic Rafael. I dont liked Pitfall, because I cant buy it for my Videopac  ;)

I hope Pitfall...  sorry WILDLIFE! is 100 % flickerfree  ??? Is there any Plus feature  ???

Oh, you have 2600 points on the picture ... (Atari 2600  ???;)

;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


... I like this lovely multi-screen game!
I want it !  :)
Videopac digger


Quote from: ccc--- on January 01, 2014, 10:26:38 AM
Screenshot looks great!!

Will this be a 1:1 conversion of Pitfall?

No Dieter,  the part I most like in O2 was the unique games, even when it was based in other existents games like UFO or PAP (despite I really loved to see Burgertime on Ody). So how Tim explains it have some inspiration on Pit and some on Adventure (id I had to convert an Atari title it was my #1 candidate). So on the Jungle you´ll need to get a key form a wils native, after will be needed to swin on the underground waters to find the Holy Grail, there´s to chest one contests a bomb, other the HG.


Quote from: TomBeck on January 01, 2014, 10:45:21 AM
Thanks Tim ! Also to all  : HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! The new year can not start better !!!

The game looks fantastic Rafael. I dont liked Pitfall, because I cant buy it for my Videopac  ;)

I hope Pitfall...  sorry WILDLIFE! is 100 % flickerfree  ??? Is there any Plus feature  ???

Oh, you have 2600 points on the picture ... (Atari 2600  ???)  ;)

Yes, Tom. It will have plus features (I posted a screen shot) and it´s flicker free.


♫ So come on feel the wildlife,
♫ We grab the native's key
♫ We get wild, wild, wild...
♫ We get wild, wild, wild...
♫ The Holy Graal we find...

Videopac digger


Kudo's to rafael! Screenshot looks great!
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Quote from: Rafael on January 01, 2014, 12:57:08 PM
Quote from: ccc--- on January 01, 2014, 10:26:38 AM
Screenshot looks great!!

Will this be a 1:1 conversion of Pitfall?

No Dieter,  the part I most like in O2 was the unique games, even when it was based in other existents games like UFO or PAP (despite I really loved to see Burgertime on Ody). So how Tim explains it have some inspiration on Pit and some on Adventure (id I had to convert an Atari title it was my #1 candidate). So on the Jungle you´ll need to get a key form a wils native, after will be needed to swin on the underground waters to find the Holy Grail, there´s to chest one contests a bomb, other the HG.

Looking forward, will be interesting to see how you combine Pitfall with Adventure!

I, for myself LOVE conversions of good games from other systems to the Videopac, like Pitfall!

My favorite conversion would be H.E.R.O., which I actually started to convert some time ago. I made drawings etc. on paper and started coding, but coding is really in a very very early stage, in fact only a few sprites exist, so I didn't post it in an own thread so far.


Quote from: ccc--- on January 01, 2014, 08:26:29 PM

Looking forward, will be interesting to see how you combine Pitfall with Adventure!

I, for myself LOVE conversions of good games from other systems to the Videopac, like Pitfall!

My favorite conversion would be H.E.R.O., which I actually started to convert some time ago. I made drawings etc. on paper and started coding, but coding is really in a very very early stage, in fact only a few sprites exist, so I didn't post it in an own thread so far.

Yeah, but nice conversions should be nice too. And to be frankly I like much Hero than Pitfall. So keep on it. I will love to see it. When I started WL, my prior idea, when I founded an old Pitfall design that I was done, was to be something based on the Lost universe, so I started to think to include enemies like Smoke monster, polar bear, others, also I was thinking sometimes player had to down to type numbers. But I don´t know how and when it started to follow another way ???



Awesome news!!! Screens look great! Please make the boxart complement the game!

I also wanted to suggest H.E.R.O. as the next candidate but Dieter beat me to it :)
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