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Started by timdu, January 01, 2014, 01:43:16 AM

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I also started with collecting Videopac games so I wanted to complete it some day. That's also why I prefer the VP versions of new homebrews if they are released in both styles. But I have no problem when only one style exists, because I'm more a gamer than a collector.

But also I agree with Rafaels statement about the 20 pages. That's also my opinion! Games are so shallow these days and I miss the times where you sat with a few friends before your ridiculously small TV playing some simple Shoot 'em Ups which everyone can play immediately before reading any instructions or doing a tutorial or something like that. Were good times. :)
Real games need only one button



A Videopac Artwork would be nicer ;-)
Is there someone who could do that.

many thanks


Quote from: Konsole4us on March 23, 2014, 08:39:43 AM

A Videopac Artwork would be nicer ;-)
Is there someone who could do that.

many thanks

Enough folks. This was done O2 style, and that is it. Why can't gamers accept that. You won't catch me complaining about VP only styles.

This game was programmed in Brazil, where they have O2 styles games. Made in the U.S. were the games are O2 style. SO image that, the thing is done O2 style. - this was voted on a while ago. Most gamers don't want dual style releases. It cost too much for folks like me who buy it ALL!

And sorry if offend anyone here, but I will keep posting like this, as the dual thing is silly. As owner of Packrat, I can honestly say, Packrat will never release a game in dual styles. One only, and that is it. Easier to do, better for those that want to collect it all too.

If you only buy VP style hombrews, you are missing out on some good games. The same goes if you only bought O2 style games. Just enjoy what we have.


Sorry, my posting wasn't meant to offend somebody. I only wanted to state why I prefer a Videopac release of a game. I also buy O2 releases, because I am happy overall if a new game is released :)
Real games need only one button


No offense taken. I do get emotional at times though (and admit it too). I'm not the prior Packrat owner, but rather a totally new entity (mostly good, but sometimes my dark side shows - we all have one).

As for preferences in game styles, I can understand how one may prefer one style over another. The thing is though, this should be up to the person who made the game, IMHO. Not the publisher, but the programmer. If it wasn't for all of the O2/VP programmers out there, we'd have no games at all, and for that I thank them!

As for Packrat itself, we honor what the programmer wants (bar-none), regarding the style of release (and truth be told, some upcoming games will be a bit different from what has been done — but won't stray too far).

My main gripe, and not picking on anyone in particular, is the dual releases. I know there is a demand for both, but folks here don't really like both as a whole - they like one or the other. Exception are me, who'll buy anything O2/VP related (as has been proven).


Quote from: Ozyr on March 23, 2014, 11:16:36 AM

My main gripe, and not picking on anyone in particular, is the dual releases. I know there is a demand for both, but folks here don't really like both as a whole - they like one or the other. Exception are me, who'll buy anything O2/VP related (as has been proven).

I'll fix that for you Ozyr

Exception are me and MJB, who'll buy anything O2/VP related (as has been proven).

;D ;D
You don't have to be mad, but it helps.

Release Schedule

Ozyr's Released Homebrew and Prototype List


Thank you, ozyr, for your comments. I agree with you 100%.
WILDLIFE! is the first game in which we have worked with Rafael, and I
tried hard to honor all of his wishes with the concept of the game release.
I am from USA (North America) and Rafael is from Brazil (South America)...
So being that we were both from the Americas, I thought it would only be fitting
to release it in the Odyssey2 style.

We did the dual style label release with GOSUB! (but it was the same game cartridge) and
it was just too much additional work trying to manage two label styles.

Tom Beck

First of all: I like and buy every game for my collection. I prefer the Videopacstyle, but O2 is also ok. So for me its equal if this game is in O2 style. I would never miss this game from Rafael, because its only in O2 style.

But I have another question and I hope here is somebody, who can answer it:

Our Videopac/Odyssey2 problem is a problem with the old European / American releases from the past.

Have other sytems like Intellivision, CBS Coleco or Atari the same problem? Where there in the eighties also differences between European and American releases? And how does the new releases look? Have they also 2 different looks for one game? And have they also games on one cartridge that runs on PAL and NTSC consoles?
;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


Quote from: TomBeck on March 23, 2014, 08:42:44 PM
Our Videopac/Odyssey2 problem is a problem with the old European / American releases from the past.

If folks really wanted to, we could always come up with a new standard for any type of release!

As for the other systems, I have not collected anything from overseas for those, so I cannot answer that. Maybe someone else can, as I'd be interested too.

Tom Beck

I found a page for Coleco homebrews ( It should be, that some games has different styles. One in Coleco style and one in CBS style. At the CBS game you can read: This game should be also available in CBS format.

So I think that our Coleco friends has also different games. I found one game at (Moonpatrol) that would be released  in 3 ! different styles (Coleco, CBS and in Atarisoft design).

But again for our Videopac/O2 producers: Release the style you want. The most of us is happy with all what you want to do. Videopac or O2 is equal. The game is the main thing. Thats my opinion.

;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


I'm not sure if I already told this story here (I think so). One day, I was a kid, I dreamed that my father had gone to São Paulo, he bought a "O Segredo do Faraó (VP 21 equivalent)" and hid it under the bed. When I woke up the next morning, I was not sure if I was dreaming or not, I was looking under the bed, but only had shoes :'(. At that time I had no idea that this was one of the rarest games Odyssey. Ironically, years later, this would be the most expensive game of my collection, probably many people would call me crazy, but when I opened that order, I was extremely happy :D. I just think that's how it should be, if what you're buying will make you happy, go ahead. Chris likes bacon, others do not. Each person has their own goals, values​​, this is very good, otherwise this community would not exist because everyone would have bought an Atari ...


I like the O2 covers/labels a lot more than the VP from an artistic standpoint, and it might be because that's what I grew up with, but I also find the O2 artwork to be more stunning and visually appealing.  I also like the VP style and to have something different than all of my O2 carts is nice.


Quote from: TomBeck on March 24, 2014, 10:03:45 PM
So I think that our Coleco friends has also different games. I found one game at (Moonpatrol) that would be released  in 3 ! different styles (Coleco, CBS and in Atarisoft design).

Gads (IMHO). I don't mind variety, but for hardcore collectors, that would really drive me nuts (3 styles that is). Oh well, we go on, and as said — more O2/VP games is a good thing, period (we can agree on that). :)


I notice that no one is arguing in favour of the Turtles/Killer Bees text-based labels...


Okay, I've got my game and have been able to get the HG and bring it back to the surface.  But I'm struggling with what to do from there?  Do I go back and jump back over the fire to my starting point or jump over the native and do something over there?  How does the game end?  Or is that only the beginning? 
