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Is this real???

Started by ptol, July 17, 2014, 09:24:58 PM

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Seller is well-known and so are his totally over-inflated prices. Seems like Fabio Giampietro sold his copy of Tutankham and it fell into the wrong hands.

Tom Beck

Oh yes. I love "happiestsellerever!".

Wonderful is also the describtion:

"Only rumored to exist, we assure you it does, only 75 copies were made. We tucked this away decades ago purchased new, the same condition it remains in today. The holy grail of the Magnavox Odyssey and Videopac system!!!"

I think, he thought it is original form Parker. Dieter did a great job !!!  :D

... or he thinks we all are idiots.

;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


He has more:


Mage for just $1,299.95

QuoteThis is the only game for the Videopac+ that was ever made with an enhanced background, this was previously thought impossible.

QuoteGame was custom cased by the experts at VGA as this title's rarity makes it un'gradeable'. Awesome display piece!

Unbelievable how much shit this guy can type.

And he has much more VGA rip-off ...

Tom Beck

And all this funny auctions gave us "happiestsellerever!" for free. That`s the best.  :D
;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


As much as I'd love a copy of Tutankham, I can't pay that for it.   8)

Tom Beck

I really hope, that nobody would pay that for Tut. It`s a pitty, that this game is lost for a normal collector.  >:(
;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


happy seller returns - you should see all the items he lists on e(vil)Bay. Some crazy, crazy prices. Look at his rating though, and not one item has every sold at that price. Guessing he does it for attention, which he is getting. Just saying...

Tom Beck

Yes, he is getting attention. But some he wrote is totaly wrong and a lie. And that`s not ok.
;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


Just to be clear: this is a real homebrew (by CCC, Classic Consoles Center), not released by Parker. It looks very good though.


That's what Tom was referring to, I believe.  But people who aren't as die-hard as this group might not know that.

Tom Beck

Quote from: daddy_scott on July 20, 2014, 12:55:48 AM
But people who aren't as die-hard as this group might not know that.
That`s the point. Other people believe him and might not know that he wrote 80 % shit.

But it`s really a pitty, that Dieter is till today in therapy because of the Tutankham boxes, that our new collectors have no chance to get one of the best homebrews ever made for our system - definetly the best looking homebrew for Videopac/O2!
;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


Quote from: TomBeck on July 20, 2014, 09:55:05 AM
Quote from: daddy_scott on July 20, 2014, 12:55:48 AM
But people who aren't as die-hard as this group might not know that.
That`s the point. Other people believe him and might not know that he wrote 80 % shit.

But it`s really a pitty, that Dieter is till today in therapy because of the Tutankham boxes, that our new collectors have no chance to get one of the best homebrews ever made for our system - definetly the best looking homebrew for Videopac/O2!

I know I'd love one.  I love it on the multi-cart.