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Console Box Replicas/ Reproductions

Started by Leonardobiagi, March 17, 2017, 06:12:50 PM

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Hello everybody. I'm Leonardo from Brazil. I'm starting a project to reproduce boxes for my console systems since is very hard to find standalone boxes and when I do, they charge almost the same price as the console. The idea is to store the consoles in a nice and neat way, but I'm not trying to fool anyone into thinking they are the real ones, but in the other hand I'm trying to replicate them as similar as possible. I've already replicated the art from 3 consoles, my 3DO FZ-1, My Vectrex and my ColecoVision. (I'll post or send the art the whoever asks for it to see what I'm talking about). I'm still trying out cardboxes and printing for the final phase, so I don't have the boxes ready yet.
I'm starting this topic because I have the Magnavox Odyssey 2 and the Videopac G7200, but no boxes for them. So I'm kindly asking if there's a good soul around here that could take pictures of the boxes and post them here so I could replicate them. If the pictures are in a good quality, I can replicate the boxes without the need of a real one, that's what I did with the other boxes. And I would need the dimensons also.
To sum it up: I need pictures and dimensions of the Odyssey 2 and G7200 boxes to replicate them so I can store the systems.
I'll glady post the results with the best resoluiton to whomever need them to do the same

Thanks for your time



It seems that you live in a tropical country, blessed by God and beautiful by nature ;)
Sadly I can help you, Leonardo, since I don´t have the items you want
(only the Schneider 7200)
By other side, recently I was asking by someone to make some boxes for me:
If you think you can help me with a repro box for C7420
I also was considering an repro box and board for the 4th Master Stratregy Series game "As Aventuras de Sherlock Holmes"


Hello Rafael!! With that name, what's the possibility you live in that country too???
Of course I can help you.
The first step is to get the dimensions of the C7420 box. If you can't get it, we can calculate by measuring the console and add some centimeters as a buffer space for the styrofoam. If you have the styrofoam, is even better. And if you could gather more pictures of the box, it helps a lot too. I'm gonna ask if We can get help from other colletors on the Atariage forum, people've been very helpful there.
And I'm gonna start the Sherlock Holmes project too. I think I can work with the pics you've sent. And it would help if you could send me all the info you have on the game. Would you rather a box with English or Portuguese text?
So, our task now is to feed this post with as much pictures from the C7420 box and the dimensions, and to fee it also with the sherlock Holmes info.
I'll be posting the pictures of my progress.


Quote from: Leonardobiagi on March 18, 2017, 11:14:39 PM

Hello Rafael!! With that name, what's the possibility you live in that country too???
Of course I can help you.
The first step is to get the dimensions of the C7420 box. If you can't get it, we can calculate by measuring the console and add some centimeters as a buffer space for the styrofoam. If you have the styrofoam, is even better. And if you could gather more pictures of the box, it helps a lot too. I'm gonna ask if We can get help from other colletors on the Atariage forum, people've been very helpful there.
And I'm gonna start the Sherlock Holmes project too. I think I can work with the pics you've sent. And it would help if you could send me all the info you have on the game. Would you rather a box with English or Portuguese text?
So, our task now is to feed this post with as much pictures from the C7420 box and the dimensions, and to fee it also with the sherlock Holmes info.
I'll be posting the pictures of my progress.

If you make a box for the Sherlock Holmes game I would interested in one.


The cover wasn't that hard, for the back cover is where I would need some help with the text or pics. I don't know if you got access to the real game or rom, if you do, screenshots would be nice too

And when we got all the art, I'll try to make an open box design for each one of us print and fold like the real boxes.

PS - the forum isn't allowing me to post the pics

I'll try later or maybe an imgur link


I decided to make the title in "Silver" because it fit right with the image and the "Gold" version turned out terrible.



If you make a box for the Sherlock Holmes game I would interested in two (or more).
I can send you "scans" of each sides of the C7420 box.
Videopac digger


Hey Marc, when the Sherlock Holmes project is done, we'll see what's worth, if I build the box by myself and send those who wants one, or if it's cheaper to make the art available and each one build their own. In each case, for sure you will get your box(es). One thing is certain, I'll provide the art for whoever asks, no charge of course.
And it would be great if you could provide the scans and dimensions for the C7420. Would you rather post it here or send it to me by email?


I will scan my C7420 boxes (Philips & unbranded) tomorrow (Monday).
Videopac digger


Quote from: Leonardobiagi on March 19, 2017, 01:25:31 AM

I decided to make the title in "Silver" because it fit right with the image and the "Gold" version turned out terrible.


Wow, amazing!
I´m trying t post some pics of the back of boxes, but it seems actually there´s some problems to post files here ???


Quote from: VideopacBelgium on March 19, 2017, 12:21:38 PM
I will scan my C7420 boxes (Philips & unbranded) tomorrow (Monday).



Quote from: Rafael on March 19, 2017, 04:45:45 PM
Quote from: Leonardobiagi on March 19, 2017, 01:25:31 AM

I decided to make the title in "Silver" because it fit right with the image and the "Gold" version turned out terrible.


Wow, amazing!
I´m trying t post some pics of the back of boxes, but it seems actually there´s some problems to post files here ???

Can you post it through Dropbox link or some image dump page. Are you a member at the AtariAge forums? If not, it's a cool place and they allow large pictures uploading.


If I try to upload something: The upload folder is full. Please try a smaller file and/or contact an administrator.
Few lines on SH are in this Odyssey Adventure http://www.ozyr.com/o2adv/pages/win83p6.html, could serve to inspire the text of the cover.
I have some clipping about SH somewhere, I think it could also serve as a guide to the text behind the box.
Basically, behind the box has texts, screenshots and figures:
I think for the figures could be used some of the board. What do you think?
Needing something (While it is not possible to post here) write: heatseekerbr@yahoo.com.br


Quote from: Leonardobiagi on March 19, 2017, 03:31:49 AM
Hey Marc, when the Sherlock Holmes project is done, we'll see what's worth, if I build the box by myself and send those who wants one, or if it's cheaper to make the art available and each one build their own. In each case, for sure you will get your box(es). One thing is certain, I'll provide the art for whoever asks, no charge of course.
And it would be great if you could provide the scans and dimensions for the C7420. Would you rather post it here or send it to me by email?

I forgot to say that would buy one of each version of the box English/Portuguese text.  They look great!


Tomorrow I'll post the progress and I think we can get a prototype by the end of the week already. Due to the limited space we're facing, if you would like to reach me wether to send pictures, or to ask or give information, or even to talk about anything or giving feedback, feel free to write me at lebiagi@me.com. It was a great suggestion from Rafael who's been a tremendous help (it was his idea after all) on this project.
Thank you all for the collaboration and support.