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Big trouble at AtariAge: Coleco Holdings

Started by Tom Beck, June 14, 2017, 09:43:09 PM

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Tom Beck

Because I have the feeling, that our forum is a little bit silent at the moment, I found something interesting to read, for those members who are not in holidays and are interested in retro gameing:

It´s something that happend at AtariAge at the ColecoVision forum. There is a ,,new" company, that has now the trademark for the brand Coleco and Colecovision. And this new company ,,Coleco Holdings" attack now one of the biggest ColecoVision fanpage, to remove all pictures with the brand name. He has now big trouble with facebook. And that is not enough. He attack also homebrew publishers not to use the name Colecovision anymore and attack also Atariage. One of the biggest Colecovision homebrew publisher Opcode, use now maybe for his releases ,,OpcodeVision". This all is unbelieveable. The new company upset now the whole Colecovision fanbase with what they do. They have now no fans and friends anymore. I know, there are till today 69 pages to read, but that´s all very interesting what happened now.

I hope, that nobody buy in the future the name VIDEOPAC and Odyssey2 and forbid us to use the name anymore.


Click picture for animation.  >:D   (from AtariAge)

;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


That's terrible. You'd think that Coleco would be excited that people are creating new games for the system. If it is just a money grab, then shame on them.

Does anyone know if the trademark for Videopac or Odyssey2 are available?


I was waiting for something like this to happen. The Retro(homebrew) scene has become way to large and in the spotlight. Everybody thinks that every retrogame is worth gold.
Companies are cashing in with the retro-flashback-like consoles (another one was announced yesterday for the A2600), webshops keep popping up and eBay prices are through the roof.
10 years ago I liked it more. When people were genuinely surprised and considered you very awkward for liking old games.
All your collector items are belong to us!

Tom Beck

Quote from: daddy_scott on June 15, 2017, 03:25:22 AM
Does anyone know if the trademark for Videopac or Odyssey2 are available?

I really don`t know. But I think and hope, that something like this with Coleco, never will happen with VIDEOPAC and Odyssey2. In my opinion, is our fanbase (unfortunately or fortunately) too small. With VIDEOPAC/Odyssey2 you can make not much money.

We are flying again under the radar and our small homebrew scene live a great life in peace and harmony with only a few, but great homebrews.
;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


Quote from: TomBeck on June 16, 2017, 12:21:12 AM
We are flying again under the radar and our small homebrew scene live a great life in peace and harmony with only a few, but great homebrews.

Yes that is the great advantage of loving the Vpac O2  :D

Even Philips still hasn't noticed or simply doesn't care.
All your collector items are belong to us!


Philips doesn't even know that they ever had a video game system called Videopac G7000 ...


Yes I know. I called them twice, asking if they had some of materials/documents/info left and nobody at Philips knew what I was talking about :D

I visited the Philips Museum in Eindhoven recently and the only reason there was a Videopac on display was because a collector, who joined a temporary exhibition on Philips Audio/Video equipment, brought it with him for demonstration purposes. But that exhibition is over so don't everybody rush to Eindhoven now ;)
All your collector items are belong to us!

Tom Beck

I ever wanted to visit the Philips Museum in Eindhoven, to see hopefully Videopac there. And then there is none?  >:(  I can`t believe it. Maybe we all must write a eMail to them. Or we send the mails to one person and he collect all, to send all on paper to the Museum. But when I see our small community, I think we are not enough for something like this.

It´s really a shame, that they ignore Videopac. They didn`t know, that their system is till today alive and liked.  Maybe we must also send this link to them, but then they are totally confused  :D :


Is there MSX or CDi at the museum?
;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


There was some CD-I, I don't remember seeing any MSX though, but that doesn't mean there weren't any.
The museum is okay but not that spectacular, we were slightly disappointed and agreed that there were some missed opportunities.
All your collector items are belong to us!

Tom Beck

I change their priority a little bit ...   :D
;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


Major improvement  :D
All your collector items are belong to us!