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Any New York tips?

Started by Janzl, November 20, 2017, 06:34:34 AM

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Soon I will be spending a few days in New York City. Apart from the usual things to do, does anyone have any tips for me? Any videogame related tips are especially welcome of course  8)
I am curious where you can buy those mini-arcade machines.
All your collector items are belong to us!

Tom Beck

Nintendo World Store. I really would like to see it.

I wish a lot of fun in New York!  :D

;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


All your collector items are belong to us!

Tom Beck

I am afraid , that maybe my first two photos, were not take during Nintendo World Store is open...  ;:)

;)  Killed the Killer Bees  ;)
Now also on youtube: Tom Beck collect...


8 bits of fun