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Working on an Odyssey2 Emulator for the GBA.

Started by Sterophonick, November 06, 2018, 03:12:10 PM

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I'm currently working on an Odyssey² emulator for the Game Boy Advance.
I need some help with multiple aspects of the hardware.
I need:
A memory map (shows all memory types at their specific addresses)
A visualization on how graphics are stored in memory
The hardware registers

If anyone is able to help that would be great!  ;)

Code (so far): https://gitlab.com/Sterophonick/advyssey2
Ness used devkitARM!
Jeff used HeartLib!
Now, they can make GBA Games more easily.



So maybe I´ll need a GBA. Good Luck and welcome!


I just took a look at your code ... I think you have a long way to go ;-) anyways, here you will find all the information to create an emulator:


specifically the VDC file will be of interest, as it explains how the video display chip of the Videopac works, as well as the "O2 Tech Manual" from this page:

that will tell you all you need to know about memory locations and ports of the 8048h
sex, lies, and videopac


Does anybody know the clock speed of the processor?
Ness used devkitARM!
Jeff used HeartLib!
Now, they can make GBA Games more easily.



Quote from: Sterophonick on November 10, 2018, 01:32:37 AM
Does anybody know the clock speed of the processor?

did you actually read any of the tech manuals I sent you links to and that I recommended ? the first paragraph of the O2 Tech manual says
"1.0 Processor
The Odyssey 2 (O2) is based on the Intel 8048 microcontroller. The 8048 is clocked
at approximately 1.79 MHz which is divided by 5 to produce a .36Mhz (2.5us) instruction
cycle clock. "
sex, lies, and videopac