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2011 & 2012 Releases

Started by mjb, August 31, 2019, 04:23:50 PM

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February 2012 - Revival Studios - Colorclash
Limited release of 100 copies which will work on Videopac and Odyssey 2

Website and Forum Thread

May 2012 - VideopacBelguim/Chris Read - Fatso!
1st Edition Limited release of 30 copies which will work on Videopac and Odyssey 2 which are SOLD OUT
2nd Edition Limited release of 26 copies which will work on Videopac and Odyssey 2 which are SOLD OUT

Website and Forum Thread

June 2012 - VideopacBelguim/Rafael Cardoso - Sea Rescue
Limited release of 25 copies which will work on Videopac and Odyssey 2 which are in Videopac + style. SOLD OUT
1st Edition Limited release of 25 copies which will work on Videopac and Odyssey 2 which are in Odyssey 2 style SOLD OUT

2nd Edition Limited release of 26 copies which will work on Videopac and Odyssey 2,all in Odyssey 2 style. Still available Website and Forum Thread

August 2012 - Revival Studios - Mage: The Enchanted Crystals
Limited release of 100 copies which will work on Videopac and Odyssey 2

Also 20 collectors copies which will work on Videopac and Odyssey 2 which are SOLD OUT
Website and Forum Thread

September 2012 - VideopacBelguim/David Weavil - Jungle Girl
1st Edition Limited release of 60 copies which will work on Videopac and Odyssey 2 SOLD OUT
2nd Edition Limited release of 26 copies which will work on Videopac and Odyssey 2

Website and Forum Thread

September 2012 - 2600 Connection/Chris Read - Gosub
Limited release of 50 copies,25 for Videopac and 25 for Odyssey2 which are SOLD OUT

Website and Forum Thread

October 2012 - Revival Studios - Cavity (1 oktober 2012)
Limited release of 100 copies which will work on Videopac and Odyssey 2

Website and Forum Thread

November 2012 - Revival Studios - Stairrunner (18 november 2012, Classicgames event, Belgium)
Limited release of 100 copies which will work on Videopac and Odyssey 2

Website and Forum Thread

November 2012 - VideopacBelguim/Rafael Cardoso- Hot Love
Limited release of 69 copies which will work on Videopac and Odyssey 2

Website and Forum Thread

December 2012 - Rene van den Enden - C7060 Multicart
Limited release of 50 copies which will work on Videopac, Jopac and Odyssey2.
First,second and third run of 50 copies are SOLD OUT
Forum Thread

March 2011 - Revival Studios - Astrododge
Limited release of 100 copies which will work on Videopac and Odyssey 2

Website and Forum Thread

April 2011 - Rene van den Enden - C7050 Non-Volatile Game Emulator
Limited release of 28 copies which will work on Videopac and Odyssey 2 which are SOLD OUT

Please see Forum Thread regarding possible Second run.

November 2011 - Revival studios - Mayhem
Limited release of 100 copies which will work on Videopac and Odyssey 2

Website and Forum Thread
You don't have to be mad, but it helps.

Release Schedule

Ozyr's Released Homebrew and Prototype List