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DEMON FIRE - preorder

Started by RayXambeR, January 08, 2023, 04:30:08 PM

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The 30 first cartridges of Demon Fire are ready! Just have to wait for the final upgrade of the artwork and it will ok  to show the visuals of the packaging... and more!
After it'll be time to make the PCBs!

Concerning the book, content is finished and the last additions have to be proofread.
I am making some encyclopedic sheets in the same time to come in bundle with each of our games. I Hope you have appreciated them with Frozen Fort!

Alberto Ortega

I take a copy of this game, please.


Let's show the fantastic artwork of Demon Fire! (not mine, I am totally unable to do this!)
Makingof is in the layout phase.
Visuals and packaging need to be build.
Stay tuned!


I also want one of every
Demon Fire + Monkey Jump + the book


Do we know when this will be released?


Hi Retroshaun! I have just replied by private message to your question.
As mentioned, Demon Fire is totally finished, we are waiting for the other two games to come at the same time. Thanks for your support!


For me also
- Demon Fire + the book + Monkey Jump



Bonjour informé par lucifershalo, je me joint à vous, intéressé par les 2 jeux + le livre , merci


I went to order this and it is out of stock. Are there any plans for additional copies? IF so I would like to go ahead and order please.