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Retrobörse Rosenheim 2023-04-29

Started by manopac, April 10, 2023, 07:21:41 PM

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The Retrobörse (retro fair for video games) in Rosenheim, Germany is coming up - anyone going?
Facebook page of Retrobörse

I will have quite some Videopac stuff with me - lots of consoles with RGB out (Philips G7401, Radiola Jet 47, Radiola Jet 471,  Schneider 741) - all coming with the necessary cables and two working sticks :-)

(If someone is not going to the fair but wants one - I might be able to ship them also ...)

Also going with me - NOS (New, Old Stock) Videopac 51 (Terrahawks) and Videopac 52 (Killer Bees) - I have quite some of both, so perfect if you want really new games of those two - or if you need boxes for you homebrews ...

and of course lots of Non-Videopac stuff :D would be great to see some of you there :-)
sex, lies, and videopac
