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North American Odyssey2 Consoles

Started by Packrat, December 10, 2007, 10:49:00 PM

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Here are the Eleven North American Odyssey? Models: (updated 01/31/2013)

Note: Only six console variations are confirmed at this point in time. (My problem is I did not keep the manual with the individual consoles, thus I can only verify some of the model #'s, plus only one with a manual)

If anyone can help confirm these models (especially with the manual - model # on back cover), that would be great! (see other topic on O2 variations)

Note: Verified existing model #s and other information is in bold.

I also don't know which consoles where just Magnavox, and which where Magnavox/NAP (I've bolded the few that I have verified for sure)

Model #s can be found on stickers on the console bottoms. There is also a model # on the back cover of the user manual, which has additional numbers with it.

North American Odyssey? Console Model List:
Odyssey? (removable black controllers, non-NES compatible A/C, non-standard TV plug, smooth keyboard, flat logo) - Magnavox - 19??
Model: BJ7600 GY02

Odyssey? (removable silver controllers, non-NES compatible A/C, non-standard TV plug, smooth keyboard, flat logo) - Magnavox - 19??
Model BJ7600 GY02

Odyssey? (removable silver controllers, NES compatible A/C, non-standard TV plug, smooth keyboard, flat logo) - Magnavox - 19??
Model BK7600 GY02

Odyssey? (hard wired black controllers, NES compatible A/C, non-standard TV plug, smooth keyboard, flat logo) - Magnavox - 1978
Model BA7600 GY02
IB3363-1 BJ7600

Odyssey? (hard wired black controllers, NES compatible A/C, standard TV plug, smooth keyboard, flat logo) - Magnavox - 1978
Model BB7600 GY02
Manual IB 3587-3 7600

Odyssey? (hard wired black controllers, NES compatible A/C, standard TV plug, rough keyboard, raised logo) - Magnavox/NAP - 1980,81
Model BC7600 GY02

Odyssey? (hard wired black controllers, NES compatible A/C, standard TV plug, rough keyboard, flat logo) - Magnavox/NAP - 1980
Model BC7600 GY02
Manual IB 3747-1 BC7600

Odyssey? (hard wired black controllers, NES compatible A/C, standard TV plug, unknown keyboard, flat logo) - Magnavox/NAP - 19??
Model BK7600 GY02

Odyssey? (hard wired black controllers, NES compatible A/C, standard TV plug, rough keyboard, flat logo) - Magnavox/NAP - 1980
Model BC7600 GT02
Manual IB 3747-2 BC7600

Odyssey? (hard wired black controllers, NES compatible A/C, standard TV plug, rough keyboard, raised logo) - Magnavox/NAP - 19??
CC76090 GY02 (Canadian Model?)

Odyssey? (Command Center style controllers, unknown A/C, unknown TV plug [probably standard], unknown keyboard, unknown logo) - Magnavox/NAP
Model (Unknown) - this model had been spotted in the wild, by only a few people from years ago. No one in recent days though has seen one or has a picture of one. This is believed to be an unreleased prototype.


Special Note (thanks Rich):

Philips/Magnavox stamped the bottoms of returned Odyssey 2's with a "renewed" stamp (burned into the bottom, the box was also ink stamped).  This was typically done when the hardwired joysticks needed to be replaced and the item was still under warranty.  As a result some of us have a newer system with removable joysticks (mine are actually black like the hardwired version).


Note: O2 manual have part of the model # on the back page, along with more letters and numbers next to it.
I now have two manuals that matches a model - bolded below:
IB 3747-1 BC7600 - Thanks to Sweersa for verifying this manual with a console model
IB 3747-2 BC7600
IB 3363-1 BJ7600
IB 3587-3 7600


Thanks to GMATT for providing info to verify another O2 model!

Three now with the manual.
Two verified still without manual #.
One without manual or date.
Five unverified in any concrete way models.... some day... ;)


Thanks to the 'the_boatwiser' and his $200 Odyssey2 on ebay for verifying manual 'IB 3587-3 7600' with Odyssey 2 system BB7600 GY02.

Slowly getting there.


I know this topic is old.

However, the Odyssey2 Consoles my family had back in the day was the sliver controller type but the controllers were hardwired.
I wish I still had that original console but unfortunately I do not. I can tell you I'm not remember incorrectly because both my
older brother and my father (who purchased the console new in 1979) confirmed this.